Welcome to Godllink.com where my desire is to share inspiration, information and resources to help you on your journey to a deeper relationship with our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ!

From the first day I called out to God and began to trust him, my life has never been the same.

It is my hope that you will experience the same life changing events that I have. Jesus is as close as the mention of his name. He loves you and desires to fill your life with abundance of hope, help, and peace.

His word says that he came to give life and that more abundant.

Please be informed that my content may include affiliate links directing you to resources or products which, if purchased, will result in my receiving a small commission at no cost to the purchaser.

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“What is Sin?” was so awesome. From front to back. You couldn’t have expressive or have given any more of a loving portrait and honor of our loving Savior and God Jesus Christ. Our God.
The only God.
Keep on writing. Letting God use you. Your one of the best.

Cindy Henricks

